



  • 【対象】電力・ガス、運輸・物流・倉庫、建設・不動産、小売、製造業、製薬業
  • 【製品名】POWERGs
  • 【概要】多拠点型脱炭素プラットフォーム「POWERGs」製品カタログ

ACCESS UI/UX デザインポートフォリオ

  • 【対象】通信・放送、製造業、自動車、出版・教育、電力・ガス・水道、運輸・物流・倉庫、流通・小売、消費財、建設、医療・介護、金融・保険、警備・サービス業
  • 【製品名】受託開発
  • 【概要】ACCESSデザインチームのポートフォリオ




  • 【対象】製造業、出版・教育、電力・ガス・水道、運輸・物流・倉庫、流通・小売、消費財、建設、医療・介護、金融・保険、警備・サービス業
  • 【製品名】ABF® for Location、IoTビジネス創造支援
  • 【概要】ABF for Location、IoTビジネス創造支援サービス 説明


  • 【対象】製造業、出版・教育、電力・ガス・水道、運輸・物流・倉庫、流通・小売、消費財、建設、医療・介護、金融・保険、警備・サービス業
  • 【製品名】ABF® for Location
  • 【概要】ABF for Location 製品説明


  • 【対象】製造業、出版・教育、電力・ガス・水道、運輸・物流・倉庫、流通・小売、消費財、建設、医療・介護、金融・保険、警備・サービス業
  • 【製品名】ACCESS™ Beacon Framework
  • 【概要】ACCESS™ Beacon Framework 製品説明



Embedded Chromium Blink based HTML5 Browser SDK supporting HbbTV, Freeview Play, Hybridcast and YouTube

  • 【対象】通信・放送、製造業、自動車
  • 【製品名】NetFront® Browser BE

WebKit based HTML5 Browser

  • 【対象】通信・放送、製造業、自動車
  • 【製品名】NetFront™ Browser NX DTV Profile

Chromium Blink and WebKit based browser SDKs for SoC vendors, smart TV platforms, manufacturers and middleware providers

  • 【対象】通信・放送、製造業、自動車
  • 【製品名】 NetFront™ Browser HbbTV Solutions

High performance HTML5 engines enabling a standards based solution for delivery of HMI, services and applications

  • 【対象】通信・放送、製造業、自動車
  • 【製品名】NetFront™ HTML5 Platforms for Automotive

High performance HTML5 Chromium Blink engine with improved stability and performance for use in embedded automotive platforms

  • 【対象】通信・放送、製造業、自動車
  • 【製品名】NetFront™ Browser BE for Automotive



The 360° Smart Media Platform for Operators and Content Owners

  • 【対象】通信・放送、製造業、自動車
  • 【製品名】ACCESS Twine™

Automotive Services Platform for Connected Car Infotainment

  • 【対象】通信・放送、製造業、自動車
  • 【製品名】ACCESS Twine™ for Car

Market-Leading DLNA Technology Component™ Solution for Multiscreen Media Sharing on Consumer Electronics and Home Networks

  • 【対象】通信・放送、製造業、自動車
  • 【製品名】NetFront™ Living Connect

Media Sharing Solution for Automotive

  • 【対象】通信・放送、製造業、自動車
  • 【製品名】NetFront™ Living Connect for Connected Cars



Gearing up for an IoT-enabled automotive world

  • 【概要】The in-vehicle infotainment market keeps garnering exciting headlines and for good reason. Electric vehicles, autonomous driving and smart cities are all receiving significant investment, and the revolution towards a more automated, connected future is moving up a gear.
    In our new ebook, we look at the long and exciting journey - with many technological stops along the way - that will take us from today’s reality to this vision. Starting from the current state of the market, we look at the impact of in-car connectivity on the market: from solving the BYOD vs. embedded conundrum, to adopting open standards and engaging the consumer. Looking ahead, we also cover the advent of the Internet of Things and how it will transform the automotive industry.

Multiscreen in 2017: Delivering best-in-class experiences across all screens – Verimatrix and ACCESS whitepaper

  • 【概要】Fragmentation has plagued the multiscreen world for years, but with an unprecedented number of devices and content types available, the issue is now more serious than ever before. In this white paper, we will review the main steps that operators must take to create a multidevice, seamless and secure experience for the consumer. Consumers increasingly demand access to their content both in and outside of the home, supported by the rise of connected entertainment devices. With the emergence of connected cars for further content consumption, now is the time for operators to maximize the potential of their multiscreen services.

Intel Premium Video Gateway – Intel and ACCESS whitepaper

  • 【概要】Multiscreen is maturing at a quick pace, with more content available on more platforms than ever before, enabling consumers to enjoy content wherever they want and however they want. However, this raises multiple questions for operators, including securing the media sharing chain and adapting the security requirements to the plethora of devices used to access and consume video. The joint Intel and ACCESS “Premium Video Gateway Whitepaper” gives an overview of the joint Intel and ACCESS solution that enables operators to meet the content industry’s requirements for universal and secure content access. The solution aims to enable consumer devices to interact and to provide the end user with a seamless, easy-to use solution for all media content while streamlining the operator’s efforts.

Amino Premium Connect – Multiscreen and Connected Devices Solution Paper

  • 【概要】The way we watch TV content is evolving to include Live Linear, OTT, Catch-Up, nPVR, local PVR, mainscreen, second-screen, tablet, smartphone, companion screens with complimentary content. Amino Premium Connect leverages ACCESS NetFront Living Connect (NFLC), a DLNA Technology Component™, to provide the enablers for publishing, discovering and sharing premium content between the Amino Live Advanced Media Platform and the consumer’s connected devices. Learn more about the Amino Premium Connect Solution in this joint Amino and ACCESS solution paper.

Pay-TV Connected Home Solution – Securing Video Services in the Home Network

  • 【概要】With DLNA CVP-2 Premium Video sharing and link layer protection, service providers can offer consumers the ability to stream their favorite television programs and movies to DLNA Certified® products such as digital televisions, tablets, smart phones, Blu-ray disc players and video game consoles. But how can the TV Everywhere environment be secured in order to facilitate content licensing and, ultimately, to maximize the content monetization potential and subscriber ARPU?
    Verimatrix and ACCESS together meet this challenge by providing a unique architecture, combining DRM and DLNA and thus bridging the pay-TV and CE universes. This document provides a brief overview while a more detailed technical description is available under NDA from either company.

The New Reality: Tomorrow’s Multiscreen, Multirights World

  • 【概要】Consumers are embracing today’s multiscreen world; however, pay-TV providers have yet to take full advantage of this new market opportunity. Since the introduction of multiscreen services, operators have faced significant questions regarding multiscreen/TV Everywhere. Initially, these questions dwelt on how to deal with OTT competition and potential cord cutting. These threats and the increasing consumer appetite for online video services pushed many operators to invest in multiscreen delivery solutions. How operators address these challenges will determine their future competitiveness and success in the OTT marketplace.

New Market Realities in Content Delivery

  • 【概要】A new Parks Associates white paper, "New Market Realities in Content Delivery", looks at the security challenges that need to be faced before multiscreen is ready for primetime. Parks comments that "in an arena where content has seemingly ruled, consumers, instead, are the driving force." The paper looks at how security and multiscreen interacts for operators, the content industry and the consumer. A key finding in the Park Associates paper is that "Smart TV manufacturers will hold a prime seat at the table if they develop a future- proof roadmap that allows for affordable upgrades to their own technology."

Unlocking and Securing Multiscreen’s Monetization Potential

  • 【概要】This white paper by IHS Screen Digest identifies the following technologies as key to monetization: DLNA, HTML5, Security (CAS/DRM). It's interesting that the IHS Screen Digest paper sites insurance as the main driver of present multiscreen deployments. It's our opinion that consumers that have signed up for OTT services have done so because they perceive these services to be more exciting than the VoD services offered by operators - this has clearly negatively affected their VoD buy-rates. In addition, most territories have at least one operator that has, or is about to, launch a multiscreen offering. At which point multiscreen moves from 'insurance' to a 'must have' for other operators.

Learn the language of televisions’s future

  • 【概要】With HTML5 User Interfaces will run equally easily, consistently and securely on a SmartTV, a set-top box, a smartphone or a tablet device, so supporting the multiscreen consumption and interaction of today’s consumers. In its whitepaper, ACCESS explains why HTML5 is key to enable the new kinds of video experience consumers want, allowing TV operators to quickly and cheaply develop and deploy next-generation User Interfaces and web TV contents, manage and protect their brand values, content rights and quality of service while monetizing new opportunities for media distribution.

Multiscreen: monetization or mayhem?

  • 【概要】Megatrends are making their mark in the video entertainment industry, affecting device manufacturers, content distributors and consumers alike. These trends include the collision between over-the-top (OTT) content distribution using the internet and pay TV business models, the blossoming of connected TV strategies and the increasing importance of social media in TV. In the past companies in the content production, distribution and device manufacture spaces have for the most part worked together – and they will continue to do so – however, the future will also see these industries increasingly collide, as for example consumer electronics (CE) device manufacturers look to distribute content in the search for incremental and recurring revenues.
