Where Automotive Trends Meet Open TechnologiesApril 17 – 19, 2018 Munich, Germany Automotive technologies are constantly evolving. And there is no better event to experience the convergence of automotive trends and open technologies than the GENIVI All Member Meeting and Open Community Days scheduled for April 17-19, 2018 in Munich, Germany.
Munich is an automotive hotspot and the event will feature multiple talks by industry leaders BMW, Bosch, PSA, and many others. Far from a local event, speakers from North America, South Korea, and many parts of Europe will bring clarity to trends and technologies influencing the future of cars.
The afternoon of April 17 will be given to content specifically for GENIVI members including updates on the domain interaction projects, new development goals, and a keynote from the GENIVI President. All event participants (member or not) are welcome at the Tuesday evening welcome reception.
Both members and non-members are welcome for the remainder of the event (April 18 -19), where both business-level and technical-level programs will be offered. In the business program, hear how future multi-modal transportation and new broadcasting methods will fundamentally change automotive software and solutions. Technical sessions on Wednesday and Thursday will address a wide variety of topics including vehicle domain interaction, cybersecurity, vehicle data, and many others. Wednesday will end with the popular GENIVI Member Showcase & Reception where one can browse the latest solutions for infotainment and the connected vehicle.
Individuals not representing a GENIVI member are welcome to join the Wednesday and Thursday programs as well as the Wednesday evening Showcase event for a small registration fee. This includes lunches, breaks, and both the Tuesday and Wednesday evening receptions.