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IP Infusion Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of ACCESS, provides cutting-edge network technology that enables the handling of the mission-critical requirements of explosively growing network traffic.
The company has conducted more than 1,000 carrier-grade deployments so far, supplying over 500 carriers, telecommunication equipment manufacturers, and enterprise data centers worldwide.
IP Infusion contributes to the realization of a fully established IoT society by providing network software technologies with carrier-grade quality and reliability. These include ZebOS®, the embedded network operating system (NOS) on which IP Infusion was founded; OcNOS®, a NOS for white box systems that enables faster innovation, operational streamlining, and reduced total cost of ownership (TCO) through network disaggregation; and SONiC, an open source NOS.
Network technologies of IP Infusion are used by over 500 companies in five continents, supporting the operation of mission-critical network infrastructure day to day.
* As of July 2022